Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I have been making this smoothie almost every day for breakfast, It fills me up and keeps me full for a long time. It is from the Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook. I don't have the best blender, so it doesn't get as smooth as I would like it.

Oatmeal Protein Smoothie

1/4 c dry, uncooked oatmeal
1 T natural nut butter (I use almond)
1 scoop protein powder
1 T organic honey or agave nectar
1 T flax seed
1 cup milk
1/2 t cinnamon

Puree all ingredients, adding ice to adjust consistency of smoothie.


Monday, June 2, 2008

It's June!

So not one day of eating clean so far. I guess I can't do it. I am still going to try though. D told me that he didn't want anymore of that food. He wanted to eat real food. I have been having stomach issues, so trying to eat well is NOT what I want to do. Maybe it will help with my issues.

Everyday I wake up and say today is a new day, I'm going to do better today. It always lasts until about 10am, and then I give up. I need more self control.

I bought two packages of tofu, and I am going to try to sneak it into a meal one day. Hopefully it will be better than the tofu meatloaf, and tofu dessert I attempted about a year ago. I think we all have scars from trying to eat that meal!

I went jogging/walking with a friend today. I want to get up tomorrow and do a Bootcamp video.